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Breathe Work/Hypnotherapy
Karen Warwick
Breathe Again Wellness
Karen Warwick is an innate and natural healer, committed to empowering people to self-direct their own health and wellness, and to help them release and heal through guided breathwork and sound healing.
After a childhood of emotional trauma, followed by a medical injury in her early 20’s, followed by many years of chronic illness, extreme pain, and auto-immune issues, Karen has committed the past 30 years to learning how to heal herself through natural modalities. In her early 50’s now, Karen is healthier than ever before, happier than ever before, and pain free more days than not.
Karen and her husband have been co-creating a relationship, a family, natural community, and chiropractic clinics for the last 30 years. This all has led Karen on many natural healing paths, some that helped with her chronic illness and pain, and some that didn’t. The one thing that connected all her healing together is breathwork. When Karen did breathwork in conjunction with other healing modalities, her health flourished more than when she didn’t do breathwork.
The up and down rollercoaster of her healing may have continued as it was …. until a powerful breathwork healing took place. Participating in a two-hour breathwork session while on a multi-day healing retreat, Karen had the most amazing healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. During this breathwork session, she experienced spontaneous healing, trauma release, and clearing of a blockage in her mid-back and in her thoracic spine. When speaking about it afterwards, Karen broke down in tears, stating that she realized she had taken the first fully complete, fully circular, fully connected breath of her life during that session – at age 50! It was a profound healing experience, and it was a moment that changed the trajectory of Karen’s life.
This healing through breathwork led Karen to become certified as a Breathwork Facilitator. The program she was guided by is Alchemy of Breath’s nine-month, 400-hour live training certification which also included dozens of practicums during the training, and ten days of additional learning and facilitation in Italy, at the Alchemy School of Healing Arts. It is fitting that her graduation was on Karen’s birthday, as this new healing path has been a rebirth.
Karen is also an certified Expert Level Sound Healer, on her way to completing a Master Level certification in early 2024. She is also currently working on certification through the Biodynamic Breathwork Trauma Release System, in order to specifically help clients with trauma who are looking to utilize breathwork for trauma release.
A forever student of life and everything natural healing, Karen is in service and ready to connect with you about your breathwork and sound healing journey. Whether you are looking for relaxation, relief from anxiety and stress, natural immunity boosting, trauma release, or your own possible healing, Karen will assist you on your amazing journey of self-directed health and wellness.
To learn more about Karen's services or to schedule an appointment, please go to her website.